Somewhere along the way you’ve probably heard that “you never second chance to make a first impression.” This is certainly true when it comes to on-boarding you new staff members. So, take the time to do it right the first time because a well-crafted and well-executed on-boarding process is the first step toward engaging and retaining your new hires.
You spend a lot of time and money you spend on hiring great new people. You want them to know they made the right decision to join you and to be productive as quickly as possible.
On-boarding starts as soon as the candidate accepts the job offer. Continue to communicate with new hires during the time before they start. Send them benefits information so they can make good decisions. Include them on press releases or any other events your organization has—even before they start. Send important information they need to make their first day an easy one including arrival time on day one, where to park or what commuting options are available, whom to ask for when they arrive, and a schedule of the day’s activities.
Manager’s Tips: In our book, The Manager’s Answer Book, we pose the question: “When I was hired, my on-boarding session was focused on administrative issues and it took me a long time to learn about the culture. I want to do a better job for my team.”
Part of the answer is: “Be ready for a new employee’s first day. Have their workspace ready with all of the tools and equipment to do their job. Managers should spend as much time as possible with a new hire on their first. day. Take the new hire to lunch. Share the organization’s history, vision, values, and mission.”
“The on-boarding process doesn’t end on the first day or the first week. Build in checkpoints at 30, 60, and 90 day.”
For lots more great tips on a successful on-boarding process where you make that good first impression you know is important, see page 82 of The Manager’s Answer Book.